Wednesday 20 August 2014



As always with Biceps or Triceps, elbow positioning and manipulation is critical. Unless directed otherwise, we want to prevent our elbows from kicking back (shortening movement range) or moving forward (incorporating deltoid in movement)

A) Dips (on assisted variation): 15, 15, 15
Personally I don't like to overload this movement because of the damage I've seen it do to countless shoulders over the years.
Shoulders pressed away from your ears, force maximum contraction of our triceps, serratus and lats.
A) Barbell Biceps Curl: 15, 10, 8 x 15 (drop set)

B) Triceps Extension with handles on smith (or TRX) -
really engages your core too
B) Preacher Curls: 6x10x20 (drop set, 3 sets)

C) Biceps Curl with handles on smith (or TRX) 3 sets of 15
C) Reverse Dips on Assisted 15, 15, 15
C) DB Bicep Curls Arms Fixed/hanging over back extension - show versatility 6x10x20 drop set (3 times through)

Back Attack Workout

A) Barbell Romanian Dead lifts: wake up the whole system: 10, 8, 4x10 (drop set)

B) Barbell Bent-Over Row: 15, 10, 8 x 15 (drop set)
Show Variations of grips with associated purpose:
- Supination: Lats
- Wide Pronated: Rhomboids and Traps
- Narrow Pronated/Elbows tight: Lats

B) Thoracic Rotation: 5 reps / 5 second hold total of 15 reps (3 sets)

Isometric hold is to maximize target muscle stimulation and blood flow, focus on literally flexing the rhomboids by pinching your shoulder blades.

C) Neutral Grip Inverted Pull-Up with TRX: 12 reps, 1 second contracted hold, 4 second negative:

Contrary to traditional belief, the Negative portion of a repetition is the most stimulating - that means as you "lowering" the weight you are actually recruiting more muscle fibers into activation. Utilize this techniques across your program.

C) High Reverse Cable Fly: 15, 10, 8 x 10 (drop set)

Hit rhomboids and rear deltoids
We incorporate reverse fly to give your forearms a breather

D) Neutral Grip Pull-Ups: 30 reps at all cost

D) Cable Straight Arm Pullovers: 15, 10, 8 x 10 (Partner Pick drop set)

We always welcome competition at ShyTown, with partner pick it's an opportunity to challenge your training partners beyond what they thought capable. Pick a weight forcing them to failure, gradually reducing the weight until they hit the prescribed rep count.

Pull your shoulders down and away from your ears

E) High seated neutral cable row: 15, 10, 8 x 10 (drop set)

Elevation is to emphasize Lat engagement

E) Low Cable Row Superset: 15, 10, 8 x 10 (drop set)

Using cables versus dumbbells, provides considerably more control - attention can be placed on maximizing stimulation.