Thursday 19 June 2014

Hardcore Upper Back Dumbbell Workout


V-Shape Back Workout

Saturday 14 June 2014

5 Ways To Build Bigger Arms In 2 Weeks

You can sure sweep the girl of your dreams off her feet with your charm; but if you can lift her in Superhero-like arms that promise her to catch every time she falls, then you’ve arrived.
Tired of scrawny arms? Time to build up some brawn up there—and that too in just a couple of weeks! Read on to build bigger arms and earn instant respect.


                                                        Dedicate A Day To Arms

Fitness experts across the globe agree that nothing, we repeat, nothing will help you get big arms faster then training biceps, triceps and forearms together on a single day. When you are fresh and when your glycogen stores are full, that’s the best time to train your arms, as it will produce a much more intense arm workout leading to better gains. The body parts trained first will always improve faster than those at the end of the workout when you are fatigued.


                                                  Always Train Arms With A Thick Bar


In order to develop maximum muscular size and strength, use a thick-handled bar always. It helps in developing big arms and levels of upper body power strength to such an extent which is incomprehensible to those who train only with regular bars.


                                                           Train Your Forearms


 It’s not just your biceps that will go a long way in impressing others, but training your forearms should be an important part of your goal. If you have stick forearms, then it doesn’t matter how big your biceps or triceps are, because you will still end up having small arms.


                                                   Get Leaner & Respect Your Elbows

 Yes, these are two things and two very important things. Firstly, your arms will always look bigger and better when you can see the definition and vascularity (veins) which only happens when you are lean. Secondly, you must always respect your elbows as staying injury free is very important because if you injure yourself in the elbows, your arms will be atrophying (shrinking) and not hypertrophying (growing).

                                               Use More Exercises

If somebody tries convincing you about the concept of one best exercise or best routine for any body part, know that there is a problem. Everybody has different muscle insertion points, muscle belly lengths and muscle fiber make composition. So everyone responds differently. The idea is to use a variety of exercises to find ones that work best for you.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Lazar Angelov - Shoulders Workout (May 2014)

Best Chest Workout Video (Lazar Angelov) 2013

                                       THE WORKOUT
1.Barbell bench press 4x6-8 (Triple drop set on the last set)
2.Incline dumbbell bench press 4x6-8
              >Decline barbell bench press 3x8-10
3.Tri-set >Dips 3xFailure
              >Push Ups 3xFailure
4.Cable crossover 4x8-10


Fitness lovers must join

Saturday 7 June 2014

Ultimate workout for abs

This is the six pack abs workout I've been doing for almost a year now. It's very effective, and the best way to get six pack abs fast. I do it every other day. The full workout is 25 reps per individual exercise = 250 reps per set. 4 sets = 1000 reps. Takes about 30 minutes with resting.

Six Pack Abs Shortcuts

How to get six pack abs fast.

Workout for Hard Six Pack Abs

How to get six pack abs